Information on Guinea Pigs Food
Guinea pigs are generally herbivores. They don’t eat meat and their diet mainly consists of plant materials. You will not spend too much on their food especially if you have your own vegetable garden.
One characteristic of Guinea Pigs which is similar to humans is the inability of their body to produce Vitamin C. Without it, they will suffer from scurvy and other similar conditions. That is why they need a steady supply of food rich in vitamin C in their diet. This can come from fresh vegetables, fruits, grass and pellets supplement enriched with Vitamin C. Celery especially its greens are also an excellent source of this vitamin. So to answer the question is celery safe for guinea pigs, the answer is definitely, yes.
If you are a Guinea Pig lover and you have several of them, it is important for you to know what foods are suitable and not suitable for them.
Additionally, there are a lot of available resources in the Internet that can guide you in caring for your pet. Don’t just believe what other people say because they may be telling you something which has no proof or is based on outdated information. In fact, some pet owners say that Guinea Pigs cannot eat celery. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery? You will never know for sure unless you read some reliable sources online. And yes, Guinea Pigs can eat celery.